Struck by light – Artful Ledaership for Change
Annika Göran2024-04-25T03:33:49+00:00Converstaions on the Blue Sofa. part 87
Converstaions on the Blue Sofa. part 87
Suddenly a swelling red bud pushes up through the dark soil. In the same place every year, it shines with its explosive power - the Rhubarb/ Rheum rhabarbarum. Its place that has been the same
She is nobel the Hepatica nobilis. So proudly she reaches for the light. Out of that blanket of withered leaves new life emerges, bringing hope and joy. She seems to be listening to the returning
Conversations on the Blue Sofa, part 86
In Sweden, we usually call it April weather when the weather is constantly changing. It is as if winter and spring do not find a smooth transition, as if it is difficult for winter to
In this time of snow melting, we hear the sound of the rushing water in the stream from a distance. The thick ice is no longer passable, it grays and slowly decays. On the shore,
In the midst of the cold, she blooms at the top of a bud. So small that we wouldn't see her without looking carefully. Purple bursts against the spring sky give hope for a later
Here they are again, the cranes. It's magical when we wake up early in the morning and their song echoes in waves across the lake. Once again, they have traveled far to find their way
The snowdrop and the newly awakened bee. In the middle of the snow, they can grow as the first important sign that spring is coming. For the bee, the snowdrop is an important one,
Conversations on the Blue Sofa, part 85