Musical Relationships2024-06-02T10:42:32+00:00

Musical Relationships

Over the years, I have become more and more observant of the importance of place and my relationship with it and all the creatures who live here, and those who just visit. That’s why it’s now time to create a channel dedicated to different musical relationships. The main inspiration for developing my musical relationships with place and its inhabitants was inspired by a conversation I overheard between Alexa Firmenich and David Rothenburg on the podcast Lifeworlds. David is a musician, philosopher and author of several books on the subject.  He has played with whales, chicadas, various birds such as the nightingale that sings in Berlin’s parks.

Now I’m going to explore my place, my life world, and I’m so excited about the connection that is being made. What we focus on grows!

Calling for the cuckoo

All morning and all evening he sits and sings during the spring evenings. I sat down early one morning on May 16 and called to see how he

Singing with bumblebees

For a very short period in May, the maples flower. This is just what the newly awakened bumblebees and bees need. It sounds as if the whole tree

Playing with a Blackbird

One morning on May 16, I went out into the birch forest to see if I could get a conversation with the Blackbird that I heard singing there.

Singing with Loons

On the morning of May 9  I had a conversations down at the at the lake Sången with Gavia stellata, the red-throated loon. They respond with their ancient

Contact Me

In my vlog I talk about Artful Leadership. The artful way of leading one self and others in order to create more sustainable social fields of relationships and build community. I believe we need a new kind of leadership where we as artists in our own lives learn how to perform from a more authentic part of our selves. In this time of disruption the world need us to be open, courageous, loving even when it feels shaky. In my work I am inspired of the concept of Theory U by Otto Scharmer, Social Presencing Theater by Arawana Hayashi,  Expressive Arts and the nature based soul initiation work of Bill Plotkin

My vlog is a prototype that I am developing –  if you have questions or want to give me feedback on the vlog. I would love to hear from you. Please use the contact form below.

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