About Sångshyttan Art

Welcome to Sångshyttan Art, a creative soil of art, innovative learning and social change. This a prototype for a new journey in our lives. Here the Göran family has lived since 1953 when the artists Gerd and Niklas Göran moved here from Stockholm. The houses and meadows have since developed from a farm to an art farm. Now three people live here ; Gerd Göran, her youngest daughter Annika with husband Bengt. One step at a time we will open up the farm to the public. Our vision for the future is to offer different experiences both on site and off site; exhibitions, art projects, courses, pop-up events, farming, cooking, creative work and meetings. We would love to build a more sustainable future together with you.


Being Sångshyttan Art

To be Sångshyttan Art is to believe in a future that belongs to nature and to the growth of the human soul.



Gerd Göran
Gerd GöranArtist
Gerd is the optimist, who sees possibilities in everything. She is 105 years old. She has lived on the farm for more than 70 years and will probably do so for many more. When her eyesite faild she explored and developed new methods to create artistic expressions for life.
Bengt Rodell
Bengt RodellIndustrial Designer
Bengt is both the creative designer with tireless suggestions and new ideas and the wild house dreamer who for more than10 years worked on our new house project in the middle of the farm.
Annika Göran Rodell
Annika Göran RodellSocial curator and performative artist
Annika has one foot in the academy and one in Sångshyttan Art. On a daily basis she works as a lecturerer and researcher at School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science in Grythyttan, Örebro University. Her interests include Artful leadership, social field awareness and co-creation through art and meal design.

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