
Sångshyttan Art is a place where we try to hold a space for relationship building both between people and to the more than human world. People and nature have interacted here for several hundred years, and since the 1950´s an art farm has been developed by the artist couple Gerd and Niklas Göran. Gerd, 105, still lives on the farm with her daughter Annika and her husband Bengt.

Right now you can follow Annika in her exploratory musical encounters with nature and animals. You can also interact with us through the following channels:

  • The vlog  Artful leadership for Change and Conversations in the Blue Sofa where Annika and Gerd philosophize about art, creativity, life and death and everything in between
  • or follow the Micro Season Calander, all the 72 differnet seasons on the farm inspired by a Japanese model.
  • and in the Family Online Gallery you can find art from different members of the family

Art and nature has been the holding space of the farm for nearly 70 years and has shaped the atmosphere of creativity, hospitality and openness that we know empowers our guests. At Sångshyttan Art the language of art is expressed in different modalities;  art, music, food, poetry, farming, social relationships, leadership etc. Nature is our teacher and greatest inspiration. This website is a living prototype for our dreams to unfold, information and activities will change according to our experiences and the feedback we get from you.

Annika Göran Rodell performs a special form for singing called Kulning, an kind of shepard song teqnique performed by women.

Artist talk with Gerd Göran (in swedish)

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