Sångshyttan Micro Calendar2024-06-01T15:55:58+00:00

Sångshyttan Micro Season Calendar

Inspired by Japanese tradition and Alexa Firmenich on her blog Lifeworlds, we now create a micro season calendar. We follow life on the farm as it unfolds over the course of a year. It describes different events and important relationships that we have with the more than human world on the farm. Instead of dividing each day into one of four seasons, the Japanese calendar is divided into 72 different sections. Each of these sections lies within one of 24 divisions, all of which have been given descriptively beautiful names. The 72 sections (or kō) only last for about five days each, but still perfectly describe what happens as life blossoms and ebbs.

7 – 11 August / Kale time

It feels like energy is pouring out of the cabbage leaves, unfolding, reaching for the sky. Slowly but surely, the energy is developing into food for me. Giving me the energy I need to take the day forward. We meet in my mouth and my whole body laughs.

2 – 6 August / Spiderwebs universe

On the way to the morning bath, the sun's rays are caught in a myriad of tiny, tiny spiderwebs. A sure sign that it is late summer. It feels a bit chilly to walk barefoot in the dew.

28 July – 1 August / Misty Fairy Dance

Suddenly the morning has a new air, a little damp and chilly. The mists gather and sometimes you can sense the fairies dancing over the water. Silence seeks its way into the body, in the silence after the migratory birds' farewell.

22 – 27 July / Linden tree orchestra

As in spring when the maple blossoms, there is now an orchestra in the Linden tree where bees and bumblebees enjoy the wonderful flowers. The scent carried by the wind almost makes me drunk.I am looking forward to taste the honey.

17 – 21 July / Nature provides in abundance

It is an incredible abundance. Nature is literally overflowing and it's hard to keep up. My relationship with raspberries, currants, gooseberries, blueberries....well, it's love. I know how it feels to pick up a frozen bag of raspberries on a dark day in January and make jam or pour them into my morning smoothie. Taste of summer.

12 – 16 July / Curtains of rain

Areas with low pressure weather sweeps in. One by one they circulate over the country and rain pours down. One day, 65 mm... Everything is wet. Both Roman snails  and Spanish slugs thrive in this wet world. It is difficult to protect your crop, there is an imbalance between plants and their attackers.

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